About each role
Why sign-up?
Each Nativity service is a group effort to make Worship an experience that brings you closer to God. In order to do this most smoothly, it requires member participation to carry out critical function before, during, and after the service. By volunteering, you can do your part to help others become closer to God and make the Nativity community more inviting.
About Each Role
The word acolyte comes from the Greek word “helper” and that’s exactly what it is! The job of the acolyte is to light the appropriate candles during service, and assist the Pastor with communion and offering.
The crucifer is responsible for bearing and mounting the cross during the processional and recessional hymns. They will also assist the Pastor with communion and offering.
Worship Assistant
The job of the Worship Assistant is exactly how it sounds: assisting with worship. They are responsible for singing the Pslam either responsively or in union with the congregation, receiving the offering from the Crucifer, pouring the Blood of Christ during communion, and more.
Lectors are responsible for reading the lessons of the day from the Pulpit. Those who are comfortable speaking loud and clear, are best to volunteer for this role.
The Usher greets parishioners as they enter the sanctuary, hands out the worship service bulletin, and collects and delivers the offering to the Worship Assistant or Crucifer and dismisses the aisles for communion during the service.
The Greeter brings the welcoming energy right to the door. They are responsible for opening and holding the door for guests and pleasantly inviting them into the church.
Nativity has a mission to make every service accessible for every age, ability, and situation. The videographer fulfills this mission by carrying out the livestream of the service, and updating the website with the new service after the fact.
A detailed guide for each role is available upon request at the church.